For sale: Local Alberta overwintered single hives. 9 frames, with bottom board and lid Delivery expected in the first week of May. $500 Contact or 403 869 3270 to …
Category: Bees, Nuc, Packages, etc.
Our 4 deep frame Nuc colonies with laying Kona (Italian), and Italian lineage breed of Queens are great for getting your Beekeeping season off to a strong start and resulting colonies are excellently suited for Alberta ‘s cold over-wintering months.
5 Frame Nucs available for Preorder. Limited quantities available. Our nucs are 5 frame Langstroth deeps in a polypropylene nuc box. Each nuc includes 2-3 frames of brood/larva and 2-3 frames …
Batch #1 is now available for pre-order! 5 Frame Nuc – With Brood, Queen and Bees We’re proud to announce that we’ve partnered with Alberta beekeepers this year to bring …
Continue reading “2024 5 Frame Nucs by Worker and Hive Bee Supply”
Canadian Bee Packages. Includes 1 kg of Canadian bees, a new Canadian queen and food.Packaged in a Pro Nuc Bee Bus 24 hours prior to delivery. Packages are from Calgary, …
Albert Robertson, Saskatoon 14 families to choose from: Nucs – Out crossed breeder queens with 4 frame nuc Breeder Queens Queen Cells. For more information please Visit the Saskatraz site Note: …