Category: Suppliers, Bee Equipment

Wooden Bottom Boards and Outer Covers for EPS hives

Allen Dick
Swallwell, AB

The EPS hive bodies accept the standard Langstroth deep frame. However, the walls are thicker than standard wooden hive bodies and require a large bottom board, inner cover, and outer cover. If you need extra bottom boards or outer covers contact Allen Dick. He has a surplus of these.

“They are of heavy wood construction, designed for maximum utility. I came on this design after using EPS boxes for almost two decades and have found them perfect for the job, summer and winter.

They fit the Beaver boxes nicely and are heavy enough not to blow off or warp. They provide a good seal on top when used with a canvas, plast ic sheet, or a pillow. They inside is designed to allow space under for placing patties or even a baggie feeder on top of the brood frames and a pillow or sheet keeps the bees from building burr comb after such items are removed. In Winter, a bag of insulation goes under the lids and they seal well.

These lids are designed to fit down over wooden supers In summer as well (with no top space to gum up). A sheet of plastic under is recommended to keep them from getting waxed up.

They are assembled and ready to use. Personally, I don’t bother painting them as the cost and trouble is worth more than the cost of replacement in twenty years or so, but some do. “