Bill Rayment: (403) 630-4848 orĀ email
I have a supply of Apipasta Bee paste manufactured in Spain. It contains sugars used by bees: Sucrose, Glucose and Fructose with no HMF (HydroxyMethylFurfural). The product is vacuum packed into 1Kg heavy plastic bags – 15 in a box. The shelf life is reported to be 18 months.
It is currently used by a number of Alberta and Kamloops beekeepers and is gaining popularity there. Uses are the same as fondant: winter feeding but works well for starting nucs and packages when they need feed in cooler weather. Often used to supplement winter stores in the spring as insurance against starvation.
I personally use it for feeding my nucs. The bees love it. Quick application – no mixing – no soaking the cluster with wet syrup.
How to use
Cut a hole in the bag and place it on top of the frames or over the feed hole of your inner cover. If the weather is really cold – place it on the frames above the cluster so they have easy access.
Protein with Vitamins Fondant
- This is used for spring build up
- Supplement winter feed
- Feeding nucs
- Feeding queens in cages and in queen castles
- It reduces moisture in the hive
- 1 x 1 kg package $8.50
- 1 box of 15 packages, 15kg $90.00
- If shipping required – it is your cost
- On your email please use the word “Fondant” in the subject line.